Booking A Venue for Your Next Event
Note: There are 3 steps to booking our venues. You must complete all 3 steps to complete the process successfully.
Step 1 – Select the desired venue:
Large Event Venue – For your large or small events, this facility offers a full kitchen, large room that can be divided into 2 smaller rooms, can hold up to 225 banquet style. To book your reservations for this venue, select date(s) by double-clicking the day(s) on the calendar below. The dates you selected and a ‘Book Now’ button will appear on the reservation form next to the calendar. Enter all required data on the reservation form, then press the ‘Book Now’ button (this is required for the booking to be successful). A message will appear at the top of the screen to show you have successfully sent your request. You will receive a message to the email address you entered confirming the booking and approval process.
Now that you have booked your reservations, you will need to fill out the rental agreement. Click here for the printable rental agreement. Be sure to fill it out completely, then email to [email protected] or mail it to Amy Amspaugh, Rental Agreement,10071 Millersport Rd NE, Millersport, Ohio 43046.
Step 3 – Decide on a payment option: You have the option of paying with check, cash or paying on-line.
If paying by check, mail it along with the rental agreement. If paying with cash, contact Amy Amspaugh to arrange for payment. If paying on-line, proceed as follows:
(a) Our on-line payment uses Zeffy. Select the 1 from the dropdown next to the option you want. Be sure to book your dates on the calendar above before making your payment.
(b) After selecting your payment option, scroll down to press the green Select button to continue.
(c) The Zeffy Platform is free to use and 100% of the registration price goes to the Millersport Lions Sponsored Charities. After payment is made, Zeffy will ask for an OPTIONAL contribution based on a % of your payment. This is to help fund Zeffy. To change the contribution amount, select ‘other’ from the dropdown, then enter the amount you wish to contribute in the field that opens up – even $0.
(d) When payment is complete and your optional contribution has the amount you wish to contribute, scroll down to press the green Confirm button to successfully complete your payment.