Sweet Corn Festival Concessions

All food and game concessions (booths) at the Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival are operated and staffed by NON-PROFIT, CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS from throughout the Central Ohio area. We are proud of this tradition that we have been able to maintain since the very first festival in 1946. The proceeds (profits) from these booths go directly to the community organizations that participate in our festival. Many of these groups earn their entire operating budgets for the following year during this annual four-day event, plus raising additional funds for their community and civic improvement projects.
If your non-profit, charitable organization is interested in becoming a part of our festival family by operating a booth or trailer or food truck at our festival, you may click here for a printable application. You must fill out the application completely and send to us before we will contact you.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about the possibility of your organization becoming a part of the Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival family, please feel free to contact our Concessions Chair by e-mail. Simply click on: Concessions
or mail application to:
Concession Chairman
Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival, Inc.
2718 Blacklick-Eastern Road
Millersport, Ohio 43046-0337
For those of you who prefer to pay on-line, you have the option of paying the participation fee on-line using the Zeffy Platform (allows payments through Google Pay, Credit Card or directly through your bank) of course we also accept checks, money orders and cash. If paying on-line continue by scrolling down and selecting a 1 that reflects your booth type and payment amount. Remaining dropdowns should continue to reflect a 0. Once your selection has been made, please scroll down and press the green select bar to continue filling out the remaining information, when complete, press the green confirm bar.
If paying using check or money order, you can send both of these payment sources along with your contract to the address shown above. If paying with cash, please contact me by phone or text so we can plan where to meet to collect the money, you can bring your contract along as well or email it to me as soon as you can.
The Zeffy Platform is free to use and 100% of the payment goes to the Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival to assure we are able to continue to have this festival. At checkout, Zeffy will ask for an OPTIONAL donation to help them continue to keep Zeffy Platform free to non-profits. You can change the donation amount to whatever you want – even $0. Thank you for your continued participation in our Millersport Lions Sweet Corn Festival! We are looking forward to the 2025 Sweet Corn Festival and can’t wait to see everyone this year.