Sweet Corn Fun Facts

Sweet corn leaves were used as chewing gum by Native Americans.
Corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica.
Corn plants typically grow 7 – 10 feet tall. Sweet corn plants are several feet shorter.
The tassel borne at the top of the stalk is the male part and the silk of the ear is the female part.
The tassel releases millions of grains of pollen, and some of them are caught by the silk.
There is one strand of silk for each kernel on a cob.
On average there are about 800 kernels on an ear of corn.
An ear of corn always has even number rows.
One acre of land can produce 14,000 pounds of sweet corn.
Depending upon the cultivar type, the crop may be ready for harvesting in 65-90 days.
Corn is cholesterol free.
It’s a good source of vitamin C and A, potassium, thiamine and fiber, and very high in antioxidants.
Corn is a 100% whole grain.
Corn is high in natural sugars/starches.
One average ear of yellow sweet corn equals 86 calories.
Sweet corn is a tasty and nutritious addition to any meal.
Sweet corn has been grown in the fertile fields around Millersport for such a long time that it was just natural for the Millersport Lions Club in 1946 to name their annual event after it.